Possible Sale of St George’s Community Hydrotherapy Pool
St George's Community Hydrotherapy Pool
The possible sale of St George’s Community Hydrotherapy Pool features in the latest PCC Budget Consultation 2022/23
This is what it says:
"Hydrotherapy Pool
St George’s Hydrotherapy Pool has benefitted many residents since the council bought the facility and secured its future ten years ago. We are now exploring the opportunity to sell the hydrotherapy pool to a private physiotherapy provider, to ensure it can continue offering services for the many residents who benefit from it. The sale would provide a one off saving as well as ongoing yearly savings.
If the sale goes ahead, the pool will continue to operate with the benefit of users in mind and members of the community will still be able to access the pool.”
The proposals can viewed and commented on at - https://www.peterborough.gov.uk/council/consultations/budget-consultation-202223-1
Contact Information
St George's Community Hydrotherapy Pool
- 01733 453583
- www.hydrotherapypeterborough.com
Find St George's Community Hydrotherapy Pool
367 Dogsthorpe Road, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, PE1 3RE
Additional Information
You can contact the pool by emailing: karenoldale@talktalk.net