Latest PT news updates - September - December
St George's Community Hydrotherapy Pool
21st September
The Peterborough Telegraph featured the following article about the devastaing impact the closure of St George's is having on its service users -
25th September
St George’s Friends and Service Users group has submitted comments on Thistlemoor Medical Centre’s plans to build a hydrotherapy complex to Peterborough City’s Council's Planning Department.
3rd Novermber
The hydrotherapy service users comments, which are public, can be viewed here -
The full plans for the complex - 22/01142/FUL - can be viewed and commented upon here -
28th September
Details of four-week hydrotherapy trial at Lime Academy announced -
St George's service users lead welcomes the trial but expresses some important concerns -
12th October
The Peterborough Telegraph features St George's Service Users' concerns (see 25th September) regarding the plans for a new hydrotherapy pool -
24th October
3rd November
25th November
News that the hydrotherapy sessions at Lime Academy will continue until Christmas -
10th December
14th December
Contact Information
St George's Community Hydrotherapy Pool
- 01733 453583